h4 {margin-bottom: 25px}.Rules and regulations for exercising exercises in physical education for students of the MUG
- Obligatory classes in Physical Education are carried out in individual fields according to the current study plans in a given academic year.
- Physical education classes are conducted in the number of hours provided for by the class schedule for the given faculty and field of study.
- Each student included in physical education classes must report to the group to which he has been assigned during the first class.
- 100% attendance required to pass the course. Every absence must be made up.
- Homework should be done at your lecturer after arranging a date with him. In justified cases, with the consent of the lecturer, it is possible to do classes with another teacher. The above consent is confirmed by the signature of the teacher on the PE card.
- You can do one activity in one day, on a day other than compulsory. Other forms of activity outside the College do not justify the absence and do not pass the course.
- WFiS study allows you to do your homework not later than the last week preceded by an exam session.
- Members of GUMed sports sections attending trainings at least once a week and participating in competitions according to the events calendar receive a credit in accordance with the curriculum in individual fields.
- List of sections including physical education, can be found on the SWFiS website.
- We do not prescribe credits for physical education, it is only possible to reduce the number of attendance by 50%, after personal agreement with the teacher.
- A student is not released from the obligation to attend physical education classes. A student with a semester / annual or partial sick leave is referred for therapeutic gymnastics classes. You must be released from a specialist with appropriate exercise instructions.
- Semester / annual sick leave student is required to present to the lecturer at the first class.
- Sick leave for a minimum period of one month (hospital and inpatient) provide grounds for justification without having to do homework. Then the student is obliged to write a thesis.
- All dismissals should be submitted to the teacher, within 2 weeks from the date of issue.
- During classes, students only perform exercises that are specified by the academic teacher conducting the classes.
- Late students may not be allowed to attend classes.
- Students taking part in physical education classes must wear sportswear:
Sport hall – sports tracksuit, T-shirt, shorts, changeable indoor indoor shoes with non-marking sole.
Wrestling and combat sports room – sports tracksuit, shorts, non-slip socks, sneakers with non-marking soles or special wrestling shoes.
Gymnastics gym – sports tracksuit, T-shirt shorts, non-slip socks. Students can also practice barefoot.
- It is forbidden to bring and use cellular phones, MP3 players and other electronic accessories as well as books, notes, etc. in physical education classes.
- For valuable items left in the cloakroom and at sports facilities, SWFiS is not responsible.
- Students are required to comply with the rules of the facility.
- If necessary, the student contacts the teaching staff, on appointed roster or by e-mail. Messages from accounts other than those issued by the University may remain unanswered.
- Matters not included in the SWFiS GUMed Regulations will be considered individually by the Head of the Study.